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الصلاة تنهى عن الفحشاء و المنكر |
Do you find yourself sometimes missing your prayers? or even missing it on a regular basis? Do you wish that you can be better at performing your prayers regularly? Or are you a parent constantly nagging at your child to perform their prayer? Do you find it taxing to have to keep track of their responsibility?
What you can do is to recite this prayer regularly and Insya Allah, your child and yourself will be guided in performing your prayers diligently. I try to read this dua every day after my 5 obligatory prayers and I find that on the days that I read it, my prayers are complete even when I sleep before performing my Isya', I will be woken up by one thing or another to be able to perform my Isya' on time before Subh.
This simple prayer is the prayer of our Prophet Ibrahim mentioned in Surah Ibrahim verse 40:
Rabbij 'alni muqiimas solah wa min zurriyyati, Rabbana wa taqabbal du'a.
Which Means:
"My Lord, make me an observer of prayer, and from my descendants. Our Lord and accept my supplication."
Malay Version:
Adakah anda kadangkala terlepas solat? atau kerap terlepas solat? Inginkah anda menjaga solat dengan lebih baik? Atau adakah anda mempunyai anak yang susah solat? Adakah anda merasa penat senantiasa mengingatkan mereka untuk melaksanakan tanggungjwab mereka sebagai seorang muslim?
Anda boleh cuba amalkan doa yang tertera di atas, Insya Allah, anak anda dan juga diri anda sendiri akan dapati waktu solat lebih terjaga. Doa ini, saya cuba amalkan setiap hari selepas solat lima waktu dan saya dapati pada hari-hari yang saya membacanya, solat saya akan terjaga walaupun saya tidur sebelum menunaikan solat Isya'. Dengan kuasa Allah, saya akan terjaga pada tengah malam bagi menunaikan solat Isya' pada waktunya sebelum tiba waktu subuh.
Doa Nabi Ibrahim yang amat ringkas dan mudah ini terdapat di dalam Surah Ibrahim ayat 40 dan membawa erti:
"Wahai Tuhanku! Jadikanlah daku orang yang mendirikan solat dan demikianlah juga zuriat keturunanku. Wahai Tuhan kami, perkenankanlah doa kami."
Wallahu A'lam.
Are you in anyway having difficulties in family, having issues with marital affairs, well i am here to let the world know how i came in contact with Dr. IZOYA, early this year, i was diagnosed of prostrate cancer and a fibroid, i kept on living with the sickness in me and this lead to a miscarriage while i was pregnant, this brought alot problems to my family and marriage, along the line, my husband said he could not continue with the marriage because we have been to soo many medical institutions not knowing my case was a spiritual one. My husband left me, on my search on how i could get him back, i came across Dr. IZOYA whom i explained my problems to, and he made a powerful charm and promised to help me, i did all the things he asked and after some days i got a call from hospital to come for my medical reports, when i got there, i was diagnosed and behold i have no medical problems anymore, same day i got a text from my EX begging if he could return home. What a double blessings and with excitement i drop his email for those facing spiritualism, so he can be of great help... drizayaomosolution@gmail.com, contact him and see.